Spring Fling Hop

SFH redoneBirth of an Idea

Since I’ve started writing, one question I get all the time is where do the ideas come from? I never really have a good answer. They just pop into my brain. But this got me thinking, where the hell do they come from? So, I decided to do some research.

I’ve managed to find some information, mostly theories since how the brain works isn’t an area easily proved. One article struck home with me. It wrote that creative people tend to link unusual things together. I sat back and tried to determine if this applied to any of my ideas. I think it might.

In my book, The Keepers, they operate a wormhole in the basement of a casino. To me, this didn’t seem like an unusual match up since a casino has a high level of energy and so does a wormhole. But, when people think wormholes, is a casino a natural progression of thought? Perhaps not. So next time you need to think creatively, try matching up some unusual thoughts and see where it leads.

Grand Prize

a Rafflecopter giveaway

My Prize
a Rafflecopter giveaway

List of participating blogs, all with their own giveaway!



  1. Thanks for doing the research on how authors come up with ideas. Sounds reasonable to me. However you come up with them just keep them rolling.:)

  2. nurmawati djuhawan

    April 3, 2014 at 11:19 am

    thx u for hosting this giveaway ^^

  3. A wormhole in a casino was not my first thought, but once you explain it it makes perfect sense 😉

  4. Madison Sevier

    April 3, 2014 at 2:49 pm

    The strangest idea I’ve ever heard of…an Amish man running for Sheriff. It’s happening right now in our county 🙂 Things might just get interesting around here 🙂

    Thank you for being apart of the hop <3
    madisonsevier at yahoo dot com

  5. What comes to mind now is the strangest thing I ever heard of is a porthole but it’s a water bubble that can lead you to past or present , whichever you think of or to a person you thinking of. Plus a wormhole in a casino.. lol

  6. Thanks for the giveaway! The strangest idea is a waffle taco. Maybe not the strangest I’ve ever heard, but the only one I can think of.

  7. I was watching a tv show today & someone had an idea for a strap that carried a watermelon! If you are having that much trouble carrying a watermelon in your hands, put it in a bag! lol.

    Thanks for having this giveaway! =)

    BLeigh1130 at yahoo dot com

  8. the weirdst thisng ws my son was hurt buy a m80 and then i was sitting on porch and the kids dad came on the protey and told my dad that he was suing my dad and i got up and nutted the guy and tehn beat the living day light out of kid who was one fo the kid i was about 30 year old and he call me akid

  9. I think just about everything on the news I hear and see is weird. People are really out there anymore.

  10. can’t think of anything

  11. The belief some people still have that the earth is flat seems like a strange idea to me!

  12. Well I once thought perhaps singing in a rock band and performing a Cirque du Soleil type move descending from the ceiling on ribbons and twirling while riffing on the lead guitar, but frankly the ribbons were kind of creeping me out. So now I have decided I will squeeze into the leathers and strap on the thigh holsters for my blades and head on out to buy my groceries on senior day at Fred Meyer – yep I think that one beats it 😉

  13. Wow! The topic of your blog post is so interesting. It’s really an informative and enjoyable read.

  14. I think the strangest thing I’ve ever heard of doing is the whole putting baby pee in you ear for an earache.

  15. Those crazy divers who swim with the sharks!

  16. The strangest idea I’ve ever had was honestly starting a book blog. What started out as a way to vent my feelings at how I thought a book should progress, turned into a major undertaking and lifestyle. Not to mention obsession!

  17. People airing their business on reality TV

  18. I really get weirded out by those pedicures that involve fish nibbling at your calluses!

  19. I told my husband I wanted to get patents on a whole lot of weird science projects or ideas, just so I could make money off of them!

  20. like someone else said all the crazy things people do on the news

  21. The craziest idea I have heard of is sky diving. Which is why I went ahead and did it. 🙂

  22. You gotta love late night informercials, they always have the craziest ideas. I would never have thought of anyone willing to spend so much on what could be stuff you make yourself….like the bacon wrap bowl! 🙂

  23. I saw this thing on Amazon, it’s like an egg tray that’s wireless and has an app for you to track how many eggs you have left or when eggs go bad. It’s weird and it’s like $80! I’m shocked that people want to buy this stuff haha

  24. The strangest idea I’ve heard of is a car powered by fire-wood. It might be useful after a zombie apocalypse, but otherwise it’s like a double ecological disaster – it not only fouls up the air, but you also have to chop trees down to run it.

  25. The strangest idea was the person who has had tons of plastic surgery to look like a Barbie doll, and says she is an alien reptilian priestess or some such nonsense!

  26. The most recent strangest idea I saw on the news was how some people are getting plastic surgery to have their resemblance of a famous actress be a reality by changing themselves to really look like them. I just thought that was interesting while I also think that if that is what makes someone happy then that’s great.

  27. The strangest idea I ever heard of is not wanting to go on vacation. Why are some people like that?

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