What you’ll need:
100% Wool Batting
Brown Wool
Barbed Felting Needle
Foam Felting Pad
Black Beads
Needle & Thread
Black Clay Nose (You can find tutorial under Needle Felting. This is optional. You can substitute black wool. )
I never know exactly how I’m going to make something when I start. There is a lot of trial and error. This craft is very forgiving. Too little wool, add more. Too much? Just snip a chunk off with your scissors. Don’t be afraid to play around with it.
Here is my starting point. One chunk of batting and a barbed needle (38 gauge).
Now, start randomly poking the wool until you start to form a rough shape. That’s the beginning of the head, torso and back legs.
A little further along.
I need to get some front legs on!
I made a flat piece of felted wool that I’m attaching for ears. Will cut off excess wool after it’s secured. Start forming face.
Forming face. Now I need to sew in some black beads before I get any further. I stick a needle in through the back of the head and poke out near the eye socket. I push the needle back in and tie it in the back of the head. I cover the thread in the back with a light layer of wool.
I added some colored fur and eyelids. I glued on a clay nose and poked in the mouth and wrinkles more. I also added a few strands of grew wool to accent the mouth. To make wrinkles, just poke in a line repeatedly.