In the culinary world, there is a thing called the amuse-bouche, a single bite. I often get single random scenes that play through my head. For this giveaway, I’ve decided to share one, a sort of literary amuse-bouche.
We stood mere inches apart, just close enough for a deep breath to cause my shirt to graze his chest. I’d wanted him since I was a young girl of fourteen. Now, at twenty-six, he’d finally taken notice of me.
Now was too late, but bad my body disagreed with me. Back arched, lips parted and ragged breaths, every signal contradicted my next words to him.
“We can’t do this. I’ve got a life you don’t fit into.”
He moved a hair closer and I stepped back until I felt the wall behind me. He bent his head closer to me, hands on either side. So close but not close enough.
“You can’t do this,” he said, a playful smile on his face and a gleam of anticipation in his intense grey eyes. “I can do anything I want.”
His left hand ran along my neck, his thumb pressing my chin upward. I should tell him to stop. I would before it got any further. His lips teasingly touched mine. His tongue darted into my mouth, inviting me to play, just as my reserve started to give way.
This man was my kryptonite.
I’m giving away a $10 Amazon gift card to help fill your kindle with romance!
I’d like to thank Felicity Heaton and Indie Romance Books for hosting this blog hop! Their links are below if you would like to visit them.
Don’t stop here! There is a list of sites below, all with their own giveaways : )